Budget & Taxpayer Information

2024-25 budget at-a-glance

  • Budget: $96,957,412

  • Budget Change: $5,535,432 or 6.05%

  • Tax Levy Change:  0.00%

  • On May 21, voters approved the budget 325 to 104.

What's on the Ballot?

Proposition 1: 2024-25 Budget

The Greater Amsterdam School District (GASD) Board of Education will voted on the 2024-25 school budget proposal May 21. The $96,957,412 million spending plan calls for a $5,535,432 or 6.05% increase in spending over the current year’s budget. 

The district’s calculated tax levy limit is 4.85%. The budget proposal carries a tax levy increase of 0.00%, which will require a majority (50% + 1) of voters to authorize the proposal.

The proposal emphasizes student-centered expenditures. Along with preserving all existing programming and maintaining low-class sizes. New staff positions and initiatives would be offered to better meet student needs, including continued support for students’ social-emotional and mental health. Additionally, hall monitors would be hired at the elementary levels to provide the necessary safety precautions for our students. Voters approved the budget 325 to 104

Proposition 2: Bus Purchases

Also on the ballot is a proposition for the district to use $302,602 from its Bus Purchase Reserve Fund to buy one 50-passenger and one 66-passenger school bus, which follows the district’s bus replacement schedule to maintain a safe and efficient bus fleet. Because the money would come from a reserve fund, which is like a savings account for school districts, the purchase would not increase the tax levy. Voters approved with a vote of 347 to 80.

Proposition 3: Capital Project

The Greater Amsterdam School District (GASD) has proposed a capital improvement project plan that prioritizes facility needs district-wide, with a focus on enhancing HVAC systems to tackle aging infrastructure and implementing improved air filtration and ventilation systems in all school buildings. 

Valued at $62 million, this initiative stands out because it will have 0.00% taxpayer impact. If approved by voters, state building aid would reimburse the district for 95.30% of the project cost and the remaining funds, $4.5 million, would come from the district's Capital Project Reserve Fund, covering the local share of the project.

The proposed capital project has a range of upgrades, including revamped parking lots to improve traffic flow, updates to plumbing fixtures, and the installation of charging stations for electric buses. The stations will be necessary as the state is requiring school districts to transition to a 100% zero-emission electric school bus fleet by 2035. Electrical system enhancements are also on the agenda to ensure optimal functionality. Voters approved the vote of 323 to 103.

Proposition 4: Board of Education Vote

On May 21, Voters decided the new two three-year candidates for the board of education. The candidates elected to the board are:  Gavin Murdoch and Dennis P. Boice Jr.

School Budgets in 60 Seconds

Watch the video below for a quick overview of how school budgets are developed in New York

Three-part Budget Summary

All New York state public schools are required by law to report their spending in three categories: administrative, capital, and program. This will be shared here and in the district’s annual budget newsletter.

Administrative Component: $8,062,144/8.28%

Includes salaries and benefits of administrators, supervisors, and administrative clerical staff, school board costs, tax collection, legal and auditing costs, property insurance costs, BOCES administrative costs, and central data processing.

Capital Component: $12,810,788/13.21%

Includes salaries and benefits of all teachers and staff who deliver pupil services (guidance, health, library/media, etc.), BOCES programs, special education services, textbooks, equipment, athletics, and transportation costs (except bus purchases

Program Component: $76,120,510/78.51%

Includes salaries and benefits of all teachers and staff who deliver pupil services (guidance, health, library/media, etc.), BOCES programs, special education services, textbooks, equipment, athletics, and transportation costs (except bus purchases).

STAR Program

Homeowners who meet certain eligibility requirements through the New York State School Tax Relief Program (STAR) can have a portion of their home’s assessed value exempt from school property taxes. Learn more about the STAR program.

The Audit Committee & Financial Statements

School district finances are subject to internal and external auditing, which promote both accountability and transparency. The Greater Amsterdam School District Audit Committee, which is comprised of Board members and community members, is charged with providing independent advice and recommendations to the board.

Each year, in accordance with New York State regulations, an independent auditor conducts a review of the districts’ financial statements. After the audit is completed, it is reviewed by the Audit Committee and accepted by the Board. This typically takes place in the fall. Below are the most recent audited financial statements:

Board of Education Budget Presentations

Board of education budget presentations have been scheduled for the following dates:

March 20, 2024

April 17, 2024

May 14, 2024

Power Point versions of presentations will be posted below shortly after they are presented.

Budget Workshop #1

Budget Workshop #2


Kristin Barnhill
Business Office Manager
518-843-3180 x7401



Past Budgets

2024-25 Adopted Budget

  • Budget: $96,957,412

  • Budget Increase: $5,535,432

  • Tax Levy Change:  0.00%

2023-24 Adopted Budget

2022-23 Adopted Budget

2021-22 Adopted Budget